Our physical body is responsible for standing in this world, and our heart and spirit keep us alive. We need meditation to be better, to live more dignified, wiser, and more compassionate. Just as we make a beautiful house for the physical body, we need to make our inner home beautiful, and meditation is actually to purify our inner world – our spiritual home.
Meditation is about awakening. It is necessary to be able to observe the physiological phenomena, their changes, origination and exit. There will be a lot of situations in their development. You can't deal with it just in an universal way, you must have the most appropriate method. And it is also necessary to see the cause and effect and where everything is from. Therefore, this great wisdom - life awakening - requires appropriate and intelligent ways to teach.
Meditation may not able to make us super rich and super wealthy, but it can make our body and mind being balanced, in harmony, full of joy; meditation may not make us the No. 1, but it can make us show our best self. Meditation may not be able to make everything running smoothly, but it will enable us to blossom the joy within, peace and happiness all the time.
Meditation allows us to understand every experience. It is a invitation from our spiritual being, inviting us to illuminating our inside instead of looking for outside.
Every event is to be experiences without judgement, don't reject, don't hold on, just observe it. Is it that the saint, the enlightened person, and the Buddha would never be angry with anything? No. When you look at the Buddhist texts, the Buddha will also scold the disciples. But what is the difference to our action? Ours is driven by the karma. The Buddha’s come from his great compassion, to enlighten all beings. He does not plant the cause for reincarnation. For example, if you are angry, how do you deal with it? You would say: The heart reminds me that I don’t want to be angry. Then you still create the cause of reincarnation: don't want to be angry is the corresponding to be angry, so this root is still, you can never overcome. What should I do? Convincing yourself from knowledge is just a cultivation, but not spiritual practice.
So meditation must be understood und experienced. It is not about to know a lot of theories or to be well cultivated. Is knowledge or cultivation that useful? It is not useful at all while facing life and death. It is also not useful when the life is finally coming to end.
Meditation is actually a complete transformation of our inner and outer world. We are no longer looking for something outside, we are truly peaceful inside. We don't necessarily live a perfect life, but we live a complete life and are a complete person.
In this way, we have really learned meditation.
Let everything be what it is, not what I want.
- Abstract from the book "Seeing the reality" by Master Dayuan